APLA Constitution
1 Name
1.1 The name of the Association is the “Association of Parliamentary Libraries of Australasia”.
2 Aims
2.1 The purposes for which the Association is established are to:
2.1.1 Encourage understanding of, and co-operation between, research and information services attached to National, State and Territory Legislatures.
2.1.2 Consider any matters affecting the common interests or operations of Parliamentary Libraries.
2.1.3 Initiate, develop, establish and support ideas, methods and techniques likely to result in the better functioning of Parliamentary Libraries generally, and in particular their effective provision of information relevant to the needs of the Parliamentarians they serve.
2.1.4 Foster a clearer understanding of the respective needs and roles of Members of Parliament and their Parliamentary Libraries by establishing a forum for better communication between the two.
2.1.5 Provide a body which can speak and act on behalf of its several constituents on matters coming within the ambit of its authority.
2.1.6 Advance the cause of Parliamentary Librarianship generally.
3 Definition
3.1 ‘Parliamentary Library’ is defined as a body or organisation that serves a legislature and provides its Members and other clients with information services, including research, analysis, and/or reference services.
4 Membership
4.1 Membership of the Association is open to the Parliamentary Libraries of the Australian legislatures and the legislatures of New Zealand and Papua New Guinea.
4.2 Honorary membership may be accorded to the libraries of legislatures in the Pacific region for a specified period on the vote of current members of the Association at an Annual General Meeting, provided no less than two-thirds of those present are in favour.
5 Meetings
5.1 A General Meeting shall be held in every year at such times and at such a place as the Executive Committee shall determine following consultation with the host Library.
5.2 Notice
Not less than thirty days’ notice of every General Meeting shall be given to the members, specifying the place, day and hour of the meeting and the business to be dealt with.
5.3 Quorum
Quorum shall be constituted by the presence of no less than six persons from the Parliamentary Libraries of at least three Australian legislatures. No motions shall be accepted unless four voting members are present.
5.4 Chairman
The President or in the absence of the President, the Vice President shall take the chair at general meetings. In the absence of both officers, the members present, being no less than six, shall choose some one of their number to be Chairman.
5.5 Voting
5.5.1 Voting at meetings shall be by show of hands. Where there is an equality of votes the motion shall be negatived. A motion may be put by any member present, and shall be seconded, but only one representative from each Parliamentary Library shall be entitled to vote upon it. The Chairman shall have the option of requesting that a motion be submitted in written form before accepting it for debate.
5.5.2 Where urgent matters arise between meetings discussion and voting may proceed by use of electronic communication. For a motion to be successful a simple majority of members must respond within seven days of a motion being put.
5.6 Minutes
Minutes of the general meeting, which shall be circulated to all members within 30 days of the meeting, shall be kept by the Secretary and shall be confirmed at a subsequent meeting.
5.7 Annual Report
5.7.1 The President shall present an annual report of the Association’s activities for the Annual General Meeting.
5.7.2 The Secretary/Treasurer shall present a financial report.
6 Office Bearers
6.1 Executive *
The Annual General Meeting shall elect an Executive Committee consisting of a President, a Vice President, a Secretary and a Treasurer, to hold office until the next annual meeting or until a successor has been elected. No person shall be eligible to serve longer than three consecutive terms of one year in the same office.
6.2 An Executive Committee member shall cease to hold office if he or she
a) Ceases to be employed in a Parliamentary Library;
b) Resigns from the office;
c) Is requested in writing to resign by no less than five voting members.
7 Casual Vacancies
7.1 Where a position on the Executive falls vacant between Annual General Meetings, the Executive Committee may appoint a member of APLA to fill the vacancy. The person so appointed shall hold office until the next annual meeting.
8 Powers
8.1 The President, on the authorisation of the Executive, shall issue statements, enter into negotiations on behalf of the Association, and represent its views and opinions.
8.2 Where the President undertakes such activities without the prior consent of a two-thirds majority of voting members any statements or undertakings shall be subject to ratification at the next general meeting.
9 Committees
9.1 The Annual General Meeting may appoint Sub-Committees to carry out investigations and undertake such tasks as may be agreed to by the meeting. Progress shall be reported in such cases to the President at such times as are prescribed and any report shall then be disseminated to each member.
10 Constitution
10.1 The Constitution of the Association of Parliamentary Libraries of Australasia may be amended by a simple majority of members at a duly constituted General Meeting.
11 Winding-up
11.1 The Association shall be wound up if the members, at a duly constituted meeting, resolve that it be wound up.
*6.1 Executive Committee amended by motion APLA AGM 25th July 2008