Parliamentary Libraries play a key role in representative democracies.

Be informed
The duties of members of Parliament require them to be informed so as to participate in the legislative process.
Assistance & Support
Providing assistance and support at the electorate and constituency level and to the wider public.
Information Services
Information services to members of Parliament, their staff, and the staff of parliaments.
Impartial Research
Parliamentary Library Research Reports provide a rich source of information.

Associations & Networks

(APLA) includes the national and provincial parliamentary libraries of Australia, New Zealand & Papua New Guinea.

Library Research

Parliamentary Library Research Reports provide a rich source of information on issues that are relevant to the Parliament.

Libraries & Contacts

APLA has held specialist meetings for staff of member Parliamentary Libraries that focus on particular issues.

About APLA

The Association of Parliamentary Libraries of Australasia (APLA) is a collaborative network of federal and state parliamentary libraries in Australia, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea. The Association promotes information sharing between member libraries, advocates quality client service delivery and advances the profession of parliamentary librarianship.

 Providing high quality and impartial research and information services to members of Parliament

The role of Parliamentary Libraries

Parliamentary Libraries provide confidential, high quality and impartial research and information services to members of Parliament, their staff, and the staff of parliaments. The duties of members of Parliament require them to be informed so as to participate in the legislative process, to be able to inquire and question, and to provide assistance and support at the electorate and constituency level and to the wider public. In meeting the information needs of parliamentarians, Parliamentary Libraries play a key role in representative democracies.

ACT Parliament

ACT Parliament

Australian Parliament

Australian Parliamentary Library

New South Wales Parliament

NSW Parliament

New Zealand Parliament

New Zealand Parliament

Northern Territory Parliament

Northern Territory Parliament

Papua New Guinea Parliament

Papua New Guinea Parliament

Queensland Parliament

Queensland Parliament

South Australian Parliament

Tasmanian Parliament

Tasmanian Parliament

Victorian Parliament

Victorian Parliament

Western Australian Parliament

Western Australian Parliament

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Library window with book shelves