The Parliamentary Library is part of Te Pātaka Rangahau, Te Whakapāpātanga (Library and Engagement) group within Parliamentary Service. It supports Parliament through the provision of trusted library, information, research and engagement services to members of Parliament, parliamentary staff, parliamentary agencies and the public.
Our teams:
The Collections and Information team has two functions:
- building, managing and providing access to the physical and electronic library collections and the systems to access these
- ensuring business records, member, and parliamentary information are effectively managed and comply with relevant legislation and standards, for both the Parliamentary Service and the Office of the Clerk.
The Research Services team:
- provides high-quality, tailored and impartial research services to our customers
- manages the Library’s customer service channels and workflow
- provides briefings and research reports on topics of interest to Parliament
- promotes the Library’s services and products.
The Library’s online publications available through the Internet are available at Library Research Papers – New Zealand Parliament (
Parliamentary Librarian and Deputy Chief Executive Corporate Services
Amy Brier
Private Bag 18041, Wellington 6160, New Zealand
Manager, Research Services
Nicolle Cottrell
Manager, Library Collections and Information
Brent McIntyre
Phone +644 817 9888