Mission Statement: The Victorian Parliamentary Library will enhance its status as an innovative, responsive and customer focused information resource providing impartial, high-quality and confidential information, analysis and advice to the Parliamentary community.
The Parliamentary Library provides timely, accurate, and confidential information to clients through its Reference Service and confidential briefings through the Research Service. Major publications containing original research are developed by the Research Service to support the activities of the legislature, including papers on upcoming bills, statistical surveys and briefing papers.
The Library’s Research Service also runs the Parliamentary Internship Program, which involves the coordination and placement of over 60 students with Members during the year, in collaboration with Monash University, Victoria University of Technology and the University of Melbourne. During the course of one semester, each third-year student produces a research report on an agreed topic for their Member of Parliament.
The Library meets the critical needs of Members to stay up-to-date with the latest developments by tailoring a range of media monitoring services and providing an expanding collection of digital and print resources. The Library's E-Services team ensures that information databases are developed and maintained to meet the evolving needs of Members and staff for easily accessible, current and relevant electronic information resources and services.
The Library also assists Members and staff to develop the knowledge and skills required to access, evaluate and use information effectively through its Client Support programs. Individual and group orientation and training sessions are conducted at Parliament House and in electorate offices throughout the State.
The Library assists with the organisation of Parliament’s publications and knowledge through the management of the intranet, a source of corporate and general information for staff and clients, which is accessible from electorate offices around Victoria and within the parliamentary precinct. The Library is also responsible for the management and preservation of the Parliament’s artworks.
The Library also plays a pivotal role in the development and maintenance of the Parliament of Victoria’s website, engaging with the broader community through the provision of key information on all aspects of the parliamentary system. The website can be accessed at http://www.parliament.vic.gov.au.
Manager, Parliamentary Library and Information Services
Ms Carolyn Macvean
Parliament House
Phone: (03) 9651 8630
Fax: (03) 9650 9775
Email: carolyn.macvean@parliament.vic.gov.au